This blog is for my GCSE art photography work through this year and the year after.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Nick Knight

I have been looking at a photographer called Nick Knight to try to get inspiration and ideas for my final project. I have noticed how he uses a variety of colour and tries to bring attention to certain features of the model. His photos are very abstract and unusual by using different shapes, colours and textures.

I find that this image brings attention to the lips and eyes. He used th black background to focus our eyes on the womans face. The warm red colours lead our eyes first with the woman's left eye because there is less colour showing in that area.
He also takes photographs that are edited to make a person merge into an animal or object, for example in this he makes a woman look like lots of snakes by dressing her in multicoloured lycra clothing that brings texture to the photo.

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