This blog is for my GCSE art photography work through this year and the year after.

Thursday, 15 December 2011


I tried looking at different illusions and how different they are. I found many illusions on the Internet and they are very intriguing in how they work. Some of them seem as if they are moving, but some have the illusion of two different things that have a connection.
         Here is an image that appears to be an old man and old woman staring in to each others eyes, however when you take a closer look you find that there is a Mexican looking man playing a guitar on the old man's face and a man sitting down holding something on his head with a bottle of alcohol next to his leg. Both the Mexican people's arms show as the nose for the old man and woman.

With this next image, there is black cross in the middle and in the outer edge there is a cirlce of pink circles that one disappears then re-appears then the next circle disappears and so-on and so-on. When you look at the black cross, the circle that flashes seems to turn green. However, when you look at the outer circle follow the flash around with your eyes, when it flashes it seems to just disappear rather than turn green.
If you focus your eyes on one particular position then then image flashes green but when you move your eyes the green disappears. I think that that is why the black cross has but put there, to take the focus of the circles away and immediately look at the cross otherwise the illusion would not work because naturally our eyes will follow the flash or change in light/colour.

Some illusions make a two dimensional object look three dimensional by placing it on a different surface. This is what has happened in this image. The bottom end of the bottle has been placed on the end of the lorry whilst the rest of the bottle has been placed on the side of the lorry. This only works from the angle that the photographer has taken it and at the angle that the bottle has been put on the lorry. It has also been painted so that it appears to be inside the lorry and the bottle neck is sticking out of the lorry.

This next image has a line of straight black and white lines that look wonky and at different angles, however when looked at closely you can see each individual line, you can notice that they are all straight.

In this image, there is a circle of a series of curved lines that lead into the centre of the image. Outside of this circle there is another series of curved lines that are smaller in the closer to the centre they are. When you look at the image, it appears to be moving but if you stop moving your eyes it appears to stop.

I think that with illusions, it is based on what are eyes focus on first and how our brain figures out the different images and views in the image. Some of them are more complex and take longer to figure out, these ones I find more intriguing and are usually more complex.

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